Words cannot capture the extent to which these floods have devastated one-third of Pakistan. Lives have
been lost, entire villages have been nearly washed away, and landscapes have fundamentally changed.
Upon going to the flood affected areas in my province, I was struck by the sheer scale of destruction that
climate disasters can inflict in a matter of days. In simultaneity, another feeling took hold of me upon
realizing the scale of effort required to appropriately respond to the challenge at hand.
Climate calamities are becoming more frequent and impactful, for which our response must be equally – if
not more—impactful. As a Government, we are determined to rise to both the current challenge of
rehabilitating the province and preparing it against, I fear, probable future climate disasters. This Flood
Response Plan (FRP) is an immediate product of our commitment, laying ground for further climateresilient growth and development.
In order to deliver immediate relief and repair major damages, the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(GoKP) has already committed as many resources as it could. However, in the interests of the people of
the province, we would be poor planners if we did not acknowledge our need for assistance in delivering
a safe and secure future for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). For this, the Federation must come together. We
turn to the Federal Government and our development partners for their support, in terms of funding and
expertise, in developing and executing our proposed Response Plan. Their support is direly needed to
aid both post-damage rehabilitation and the required resilience-building measures identified by my
government. While KP fared better than other flood-affected areas in Pakistan this time, we are well
aware that this will not always be the case. As such, we intend to plan for the worst.
Our Flood Response Plan is a road map of systemic reforms and necessary adaptive and mitigative
measures required to rebuild the lives of affected people and reduce their future vulnerability. It is also a
guide for where others may supplement our resources or add their knowledge and expertise to our
proposals. Thus, we hope to work with partners, both national and international, in executing and further
refining this plan.