Category: News

News & Events

The Farewell Party Was Organized In Honor of Outgoing Special Secretary Kamran Ahmad Afridi

A farewell program was organized in honor of outgoing Special Secretary Mr. Kamran Ahmand Afridi in which Secretary P&D and other officers participated. Kamran Khan Afridi has been appointed as Secretary of Higher Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Secretary P&D Mr. Shahidullah Khan expressed his best wishes for the outgoing officer Mr. Kamran Ahmad Afridi and presented him with an honorary shield.

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Meeting on Adaptive Social Protection Program

A meeting with team of GIZ regarding Adaptive Social Protection Program held at Planning and Development Department.
The meeting was chaired by Secretary Planning and Development Department, Mr. Shahidullah Khan, and attended by the Director General Sustainable Development Unit (SDU), PD SPRU, representatives from relevant sections, and team from GIZ.
During the meeting, the Secretary was briefed on the various activities underway as part of the program.
The Secretary emphasized the need for workable solutions, a comprehensive database to identify gaps, innovative approaches to ensure social protection and employment opportunities at the doorstep.

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Group of 40th Mid-Career Management Course Visited P&D Department KP

A group of participants from the 40th Mid-Career Management Course visited the Planning and Development Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, today.
The Secretary Planning and Development Department, Mr. Shahidullah Khan, chaired a meeting with them to brief them on the development landscape of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
During the meeting, the Secretary provided in-depth information on the optimization strategy of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including the merged districts and their potential. He shared insights into the province’s development vision, goals, and initiatives aimed at promoting economic growth, social welfare, and infrastructure development.
The participants showed keen interest in the presentation and engaged in a productive question-and-answer session. The visit aimed to familiarize the mid-career professionals with the planning and development processes in the province.
Additional Secretary, Planning and Development Department, Mr. Habibullah Wazir and Chief PSDP, Mr. Adil Saeed Safi also attended the meeting.

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Meeting on KP Integrated Tourism Development Project (KITE)

The World Bank Implementation Support Mission visited Planning and Development Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to review the progress of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Integrated Tourism Development Project(KITE).
A meeting in this regards held under the chairmanship of Secretary Planning and Development Department, Mr. Shahidullah Khan.
During the meeting, the Secretary emphasized the importance of expediting project activities to ensure timely completion and optimal impact. He stressed the need for coordinated efforts among all stakeholders to achieve the project’s objectives of promoting tourism and economic growth in the province.
Chief Tourism Section, Mr. Anwar Khan Sherani and other relevant officials also attended the meeting.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Integrated Tourism Development Project aims to enhance tourism infrastructure, promote cultural heritage, and support economic development in the province.

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EU Ambassador To Pakistan Dr. Reena Kavinka Met CM KP Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur

The meeting discussed the issues related to public welfare projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in collaboration with the European Union. Chief Secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Nadeem Aslam Chaudhry and other relevant officials were also present at the meeting

“I am grateful to the European Union on behalf of the people of the province for providing support in public welfare works in the province, the ongoing CDLD project with the support of the European Union is an important project for the provincial government,” the CM said.

“This project is proving to help improve the socio-economic conditions of the people of the province, the provincial government will provide all possible support in implementing these projects supported by the European Union,” the CM said.

“ The current provincial government is working on harnessing the potential of hydroelectricity in the province, besides the transition to solar energy under the Green Energy Initiatives, which is among the government’s priorities,” Ali Amin Gandapur said.

“Work is being done to transfer government buildings and educational institutions to solar energy, funds have been allocated for providing solar systems to poor households”, Ali Amin Gandapur said.

“The current provincial government is working on improving municipal services and solving basic health problems, the provincial government needs the support of other donor organizations including the European Union in these areas”, Ali Amin Gandapour said.

“Donors’ support is also needed for the resettlement of temporarily displaced people of the merged districts, the provincial government is giving special attention to the projects of infrastructure maintenance and employment of people in the merged districts. By providing employment opportunities to the people and developing the infrastructure, the unrest there can be effectively ended”, Ali Amin Gandapur said.

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CM KP Met World Bank Delegation

A delegation headed by World Bank Country Director Naji Binhasan met with Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur. In the meeting, issues related to the ongoing public welfare projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the support of the World Bank were discussed. Apart from the provincial cabinet members, the chief secretary, secretaries from various departments, and other relevant officials participated in the meeting.

The meeting explored new opportunities for collaboration and cooperation between the provincial government and the World Bank in public welfare work. Detailed discussion on issues related to partnership in various sectors including education, agriculture, livestock, minerals, tourism, road infrastructure, irrigation, and green energy.

“The provincial government appreciates the support of the World Bank in public welfare work, working on giving special packages to pregnant women to solve the problem of stunted growth in children. The plan of education cards for students on the pattern of health cards is also under consideration, the plan of providing a free solar system to the poor has also been included in the next year’s development budget. The plan of giving interest-free loans to provide self-employment opportunities to the youth of the province has also been included in the budget. The provincial government will welcome the support of the World Bank in various sectors”, Ali Amen Gandapur said.

“I am grateful to the World Bank on behalf of the people of the province for providing support in public welfare works in the province, the provincial government will provide all possible support in implementing these projects supported by the World Bank. The current provincial government is working on utilizing the potential of hydropower in the province in a full manner, work is being done to transfer government buildings and educational institutions to solar energy. The current provincial government is working on improving municipal services and solving basic health problems, modernized agriculture and livestock development are top priorities of the provincial government. To increase production in agriculture and livestock, the provincial government needs to use modern technology, the provincial government is working on various projects for the development of agriculture and livestock sectors. By developing these sectors on modern lines, the problem of food security can be solved not only in the province but also in the country, there are immense opportunities to increase agricultural and dairy production in the province. For this purpose, the provincial government is also working on projects like CRBC Lift Canal, Gomal Zam, and Tank Zam, the construction of small dams, and investment in energy, minerals, and tourism sectors in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. There are vast opportunities. The provincial government will welcome foreign investment in these sectors, the provincial government is paying special attention to the development of potential sectors to increase its income”, the chief minister said.

The World Bank is fully cooperating with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government in various sectors, this cooperation will continue in the future, the delegation said.

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Representatives From KfW Met ACS KP

Representatives from KfW met with Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah, the Additional Chief Secretary of Planning and Development Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They discussed various areas of cooperation and agreed to enhance future collaboration. Mrs. Sarah Rehman, Section Chief of International Development, P&D also attended meeting.

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Signing Ceremony of Agreement Between KP-RETP and KP-TEVTA

Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Agreement Between KP-RETP and KP-TEVTA was organized in Planning and Development Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, today.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Rural Economic Transformation Project (KP-RETP) and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Technical Educational and Vocational Training Authority (KP-TEVTA) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to foster economic growth and enhance employment opportunities in the region.
The KP-Rural Economic Transformation Project (KP-RETP), a flagship initiative by the
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in collaboration with the International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD), aims to reduce poverty and enhance food and nutrition security for approximately 785,000 households, benefiting around 4.35 million individuals
across 36 districts. The project specifically targets households with a Poverty Score Card (PSC) score of 0-34, focusing on women and youth through economic graduation programs, market-oriented initiatives, and capacity-building activities.
The MoA aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of KP-TEVTA, enabling it to conduct
comprehensive job market assessments and design vocational training courses aligned with evolving market demands. By leveraging the expertise and resources of KP-RETP, this
collaboration will significantly contribute to the economic development and employment
landscape in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Key elements of the MoA include:
â€Ē Strengthening Institutional Capacity: Enhancing KP-TEVTA’s ability to conduct
thorough job market assessments and deliver relevant vocational training courses.
â€Ē Job Market Study and Annual Outlook: Establishing a system within KP-TEVTA to
undertake job market studies and release an annual job market outlook.
â€Ē Budget Allocation: Allocating PKR 14.50 million for the implementation of this
Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Muhammad Zaheer Uddin Baber, Project Director KP-RETP
said; “The signing of this MoA with KP-TEVTA is a critical step towards achieving our shared
vision of economic empowerment and sustainable development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
This collaboration will enhance the employability of our youth and ensure they are equipped with the skills required in today’s job market.”
Mr. Haider, Director Planning KP-TEVTA on behalf of Managing Director KP-TEVTA passed remarks; “We are excited to partner with KP-RETP to strengthen our vocational training
programs. This agreement will enable us to better understand job market trends and tailor our courses to meet the demands, thereby increasing employment opportunities for the youth in our province.”
The signing ceremony was also attended by representatives from the Planning & Development Department and Industries Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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1st PDWP Held on 10th July 2024

On the special instructions of the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mr. Sardar Ali Amin Gandapur, projects worth 1 billion were approved in the first meeting of the Provincial Development Working Party.
The approval was given in the PDWP meeting chaired by Additional Chief Secretary Planning and Development Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mr. Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah.
On the special instructions of Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur, projects worth one billion were approved for Khyber and Kurram districts under which work will be done on education, health and clean drinking water.
PDWP members and concerned departments participated in the meeting. The forum approved 16 projects related to social welfare, tourism, sports, law and justice and ST&IT for the development of the province.
The approved projects include rehabilitation and construction of multi-sector development schemes in Khyber district, rehabilitation of revised and modified proposed schemes in Kurram district and other revised projects.

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IFAD’s Implementation Support Mission (ISM) Met Secretary P&D

Today, the IFAD’s Implementation Support Mission (ISM) met with Secretary Planning & Development Department Mr. Shahidullah Khan for the wrap-up of the implementation support provided to the PMU KP-RETP.
The overall progress with respect to Agreed Actions during last ISM was discussed along with future recommendations.
Secretary P&DD assured follow up of the agreed actions besides support from Provincial Government enabling the PMU to meet the required targets in stipulated timelines.
Chief Economist Mr. Arifullah Awan, Chief IDS Mrs. Sarah Rehman and other relevant officials also attended the meeting.

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