Section Organogram

Section Details

ADP Formulation

  • Drafting, approval, and circulation of Guidelines for ADP Preparation.
  • Consultation meetings at different levels.
  • ADP Rationalization meetings.
  • ADP Policy matters
  • AIP Policy Matters.
  • Printing of the draft ADP.
  • Cabinet meetings on draft ADP.
  • Submission of draft ADP to Provincial Assembly.
  • Printing of final copy of ADP.
  • Circulation of ADP copy.


  • Requisition of agenda for PDWP meetings.
  • Preparation of combined working papers for PDWP.
  • Informing all the members and concerned departments.
  • Coordinating issuance of minutes of PDWP.
  • Issuance of Press Release.


  • Coordination with the Planning Commission on meetings of CDWP and ECNEC.
  • Logistic coordination for ECNEC meetings.
  • Collection of working papers for CDWP and Summaries for ECNEC.

Principles of Policy

  • Drafting Report on Compliance with Principles of Policy.

PMRU Related Business

  • Coordinating PMRU tasks that pertain to more than one section.

Senate/Assembly Business

  • Attendance
  • Agenda circulation.
  • Assembly Questions and coordinating its replies.
  • Privilege Motions, Call attention to notices and Resolutions, and coordinate its replies.
  • Standing Committee meetings.
  • Functional Committees.
  • Special Committees.

Review Meetings

  • Quarterly Review Meetings.
  • Mid-Year Review meetings
  • Annual Review meetings.
  • Periodic and special/specific Review meetings by CMKP
  • Periodic and special/specific Review meetings by CSKP
  • Review of AIP by CM, CS, ACS.
  • Committee Chaired by Governor, KP.
  • Review meetings by the Finance Minister.


  • Inter-Sectorial Re-appropriation.
  • Final Grant (Development).


  • Collection of Briefs for Cabinet Meetings.
  • Follow-up of Cabinet Decisions

Secretaries Committee

  • Briefs for Secretaries Committee Meetings.
  • Follow up on Secretaries Committee Meetings.

Planning Commission

  • Communication with the Planning Commission
  • Regulations by the Planning Commission
  • Development manual and guidelines.
  • Advisory Committee on Planning Commission
  • Feedback on Annual Plan to Planning Commission
  • Feedback on Five Years Plan to Planning Commission.

Sectoral Plans of the Departments

  • Collection and updation of Sectorial Plans.

ICD (Inquiry Commission)

  • Communication and Coordination with ICD, Islamabad.
  • Collection and compilation of data for ICD.

LGs Development Guidelines

  • Framing and issuance of development guidelines for Local governments.

Development Fora

  • Notifications of DDC, DDWP.
  • Amendments and clarifications on development fora.


  • Any other subject which is related to more than two sections.
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