M&E Organogram

M&E Details
- M&E is a core function of Planning and Development
- M&E Cell existed with limited HR in P&DD , In 2008-09 M&E System at Divisional level approved under Provincial ADP.
- M&E KP staff regularized through an "Employee regularization Act 2018"
- M&E setup for Ex-FATA merged with M&E System KP and working in project mode
- Divisional Monitoring teams are working under the administrative control of DG M&E and the respective commissioner supervising their functions
- Monitoring reports generated at Divisional level, reviewed by the concerned Commissioner are submitted to ACS for approval through Director General M&E
Monitoring Parameters
- Allocation, Release and Utilization of Funds
- Physical Progress as per Time Schedule
- Staff and Equipment
- Quality Control System
Project selection criteria for monitoring
- Slow moving projects identified during desk review
- References from higher authorities
- Public Complaints
- Reports & Comments in the media
M&E Framework approved by the KP Government in 2011, the M&E System is mandated to monitor:
- Physical inspection of 25% ADP schemes
- PSDP , District ADP , AIP, Non-ADP
- M&R Works, Judiciary & Police Projects
- Donors’ funded schemes under Provincial Program / NGO’s
- Automation of M&E System
- Service Delivery of line departments
- Capacity building of line departments on M&E
Evaluation of schemes, act on special tasks, and conduct inquiries.
Conduct initial inquiries of schemes referred by PIT as per notification of the establishment department.
Criteria for Selection of Schemes for Appraisal / Monitoring / Evaluation
- Unbiased / Random Selection of high cost upto Rs. 500 and above PSDP/ADP Schemes
- All revised With Substantial Physical & Financial Progress
- All donors funded schemes
- All AIP schemes in merged districts
- All revised/completed With Substantial Physical & Financial Progress
- Disputed schemes
- Rolling schemes/special schemes like TB Program
- Referred from Higher Authorities
- Hundreds of developmental schemes are monitored for rectification annually
- Deficiencies are timely communicated for rectification.
- Progress is accelerated to ensure timely completion of schemes
- Line departments are getting vigilant due to M&E visits
- Departments are sensitized about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Resources utilization are ensured at all levels
- Course correction , improved value for money and evidence for policy makers ensured
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Civil secretariat P&DD KP