On the request of Caretaker Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Justice Retired Syed Arshad Hussain Shah, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq presided over an important meeting today. the meeting was attended by the provincial government officials under the leadership of the caretaker chief minister. The concerned federal ministers and other high officials also participated in the meeting.
The Chief Minister informed the Prime Minister about the financial problems faced by the province and the arrears due to the federation in different periods. Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar directed the relevant authorities to solve the financial problems of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa immediately. Prime Minister directed to form a committee headed by the Federal Finance Secretary to solve the problems of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The committee will make recommendations for payments towards the net profit of hydropower and oil and gas royalties. The Prime Minister also directed to speed up the process for granting university status to Khyber Medical College Peshawar and Ayub Medical College Abbottabad.
The Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-Ul-Haq Kaker is fully aware of the financial problems of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. the federal government will provide all kinds of support for the development and welfare of the merged districts. the caretaker prime minister acknowledged the sacrifices made by the people of KPK against terrorism.
the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa expressed his gratitude to the caretaker Prime Minister for the steps he took to resolve the financial problems of KPK.