
The 53rd Internal Review Meeting

The 53rd internal review meeting was held with the heads and representatives of all sections and attached units under the chairmanship of the Secretary  Planning and Development Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mr. Shah Mehmood Khan.
Tracking of high-priority projects, updates on master planning, and public-private partnership projects were discussed in detail. the Secretary was briefed on the progress of various activities of health, roads, and other projects under Public Private Partnership.

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Introduction of Resilient Structure in PKHA Projects

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Shah Mehmood Khan, Secretary, Planning and Development Department regarding the introduction of resilient structure in PKHA projects. The officers of Pakhtunkhwa Highway Authority gave a detailed briefing to the Secretary P&D on the planning of the proposed projects in the light of climatic variations and the realities of the respective areas. Secretary P&D expressed satisfaction over the briefing and appreciated the preparation and progress of Pakhtunkhwa Highway Authority in this regard.

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Newly Appointed ACS KP Mr. Ikramullah Khan Presented Honorary Shied to The Former ACS KP Mr. Shahab Ali Shah

The newly appointed Additional Chief Secretary Mr. Ikramullah Khan presented the shield to the outgoing Additional Chief Secretary Mr. Shahab Ali Shah. Mr. Shah Mehmood Khan, Secretary of Planning and Development Department, Special Secretary P&D and other officers of the department were present on this occasion. Mr. Shahab Ali Shah has recently been promoted to Grade 21. On this occasion the officers of P&D Department expressed their best wishes to Mr. Shahab Ali Shah, former Additional Chief Secretary.

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Mid-Year Review Meeting on ADP 2022-23

The mid-year review meeting of the Annual Development Program 2022-23 was held under the chairmanship of Secretary Planning and Development Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mr. Shah Mehmood Khan. The representatives of the departments and related sections participated in the meeting. In the meeting, a detailed review of the performance of the development projects of the departments was taken. Secretary Mr. Shah Mehmood Khan urged all the departments to speed up the work on the development projects, especially the high priority projects and complete them within the stipulated time. The monitoring and evaluation reports of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Planning and Development Department were also discussed in the meeting.

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Establishment of Daycare Center for Children

The Planning and Development Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the support of UNICEF has established daycare centre. The centre was inaugurated by Chief IDS P&D, Ms. Sarah Rehman.
The Planning and Development Department is catering to the modern-day needs of working women who being professionals, need to care for their children while also carrying out their official responsibilities.
The center will provide supervision and care for infants and young children during office hours, ensuring that parents can focus better on their work.

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Meeting of The Board of Directors of Trans Peshawar

The meeting of Board of Directors of Trans Peshawar was held under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mr. Ikramullah Khan in which board members participated. Important decisions were taken in the meeting regarding further improvement of travel facilities keeping in mind the number of traveling citizens.

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P&D Department Launched Climate Change Gender Action Plan (CCGAP)

Provincial launch ceremony of Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP) was held at P&DD Peshawar.
Mr. Shah Mahmood Khan, Secretary Planning and Development Department graced the occasion as a Chief Guest. Representatives from different line departments and IUCN Pakistan officials attended the launch ceremony. Secretary Planning and Development Department lauded the historic initiatives pertaining to the National Climate Change Gender Action Plan and the instrumental role of the planning and Development department where Gender Mainstreaming and Climate Change dedicated sections are working.
The Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP) supports inclusive policy dialogue, capacity development, and pilot projects for women by focusing on recognizing gender equality as a core principle, and inclusion of women in local and national level policy programs and design.

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Mid-Year Review Meeting on ADP 2022-23

The series of mid-year review meeting with various departments is going on in the Planning and Development Department. The mid-year review meeting of the annual development program 2022-23 was held under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary Planning and Development Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mr. Ikramullah Khan. A detailed review of the performance of the development projects was conducted in which the secretaries, sections and other officials of the concerned departments participated. Monitoring and evaluation reports were also reviewed in the meeting and necessary instructions were issued in this regard.

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Social Protection Policy 2022

The Social Protection Policy of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa seeks to set out the vision, strategic direction, and methods for extending social protection to the poor and vulnerable people in the province. The policy has evolved to its current form as a result of sustained conceptual guidance by the Planning and Development Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, over the past few years and the recent consultations through a number of key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs).


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Briefing on Merged Areas Governance Programme

Briefing on Merged Areas Governance Programme was held under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mr Ikram Ullah Khan. The Additional Chief Secretary was briefed on the comprehensive governance initiatives of the programme and also discussed the ongoing Citizen Perception Survey. Secretary P&DD Mr Shah Mahmood Khan, Mr Javed Iqbal Strategic Advisor MAGP, Mr Musharraf Rasool Lead Economic Advisor MAGP, Ms. Raluca Eddon Programme Manager MAGP and other relevant officials also attended the meeting.

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