Press Release: 9th PDWP held on 22nd October 2020
The 9th meeting of Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) was held under the Chairmanship of Mr. Shakeel Qadir Khan, the Additional Chief Secretary P&D Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 22nd October, 2020. The meeting was attended by members of PDWP and concerned departments. The forum considered 50 schemes pertaining to E&SE, Food, Home, Excise, Information, Water, Industries, Multi-sectoral Development, Relief & Rehabilitation, Roads, Transport and Establishment & Administration sectors for the uplift of the province. The forum approved 39 schemes with an estimated cost of Rs. 48999.792. 1 scheme was cleared by PDWP and was recommended for approval of CDWP, while 10 schemes were deferred due to inadequate designs and were returned to their respective departments for rectification.

Safe Venues for Citizens
Approved schemes of Elementary & Secondary Education sector were:
1.   Upgradation of 150 Primary schools to Middle level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
2.   Up gradation of 70 Primary Schools to Middle level(AIP).
3.   Upgradation of 100 Middle schools to High level (B&G) on need basis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
4.   Up gradation of 70 Middle Schools to High level (AIP)
5.   Up gradation of 70 High Schools to Higher Secondary level(AIP)
6.   Establishment of 100 Primary Schools in Merged Districts (AIP)
7.   Reconstruction of Damaged School in Merged Districts (AIP)
8.   Reconstruction of Partially Damaged School in Merged Areas (AIP)
9.   Reconstruction of 300 Govt Schools (100 Primary, 100 Middle & 100 High) (B&G) on need basis in KP
10.   Peshawar Schools Development Plan.
Approved scheme of Food sector was:
11.   Construction of Food Grain Godowns in the Merged Districts (AIP).
Approved scheme of Home sector was:
12.   De-Radicalization/Rehabilitation Center in Tribal Districts. [MA] Sub Head: (1) 191586-1 De-Radicalization center Ujala Jandola
(38.110 m).       (2) 191586-2 De-Radicalization center Sabaoon-II (178.348).
Approved scheme of Excise & Taxation sector was:
13.   Establishment of Model Warehouse with Allied Facilities (PC-II approved on 5-03-2020).
Approved scheme of Information sector was:
14.   Establishment of Communication and Social Media Cell For Publicity of AIP Projects & Launching of Mass Awareness Campaigns in Newly
Merged Areas (AIP).
Approved schemes of Water sector were:
15.   Construction & improvement of drainage system, channels/canals, ponds, roads, bridges/culverts and flood protection works in district
16.   Construction of 20 Nos Small Dams in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. (Federal PSDP Rs. 3600 M). Sub Head: 40401-1 Construction of Bada Dam
Project, District Swabi (Rev).
Approved schemes of Industries sector were:
17.   F/S for Establishment of Construction Machinery Training Institute in Merged Areas (AIP).
18.   Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Technical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model).
Approved schemes of Multi-Sectoral Development sector were:
19.   140225-FATA Water Resources Development Project (FWRDP). (GoP Component) (ADB Assisted).
20.   Construction of residences for P&D Staff at Hayatabad.
21.   FATA Infrastructure Project (FIP-QIPs) (USAID) [DOP] 194001 – 1 Sub Head: 1. Appointment of consultant for Design and engineering
Services 2. Construction Supervision Services.
22.   FATA Infrastructure Project (FIP-QIPs) (USAID) [DOP] 194001 -2 Sub Head: 1. Appointment of consultant for Design and engineering
Services/Design Review 2. Construction Supervision Services.
Approved scheme of Relief & Rehabilitation sector was:
23.   Establishment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Emergency Services Academy at Shahkas, Khyber (Rescue-1122) (AIP
Approved schemes of Roads Development sector were:
24.   Construction/Rehabilitation of Road Network in Darra Adam Khel (AIP)
25.   Replacement of Steel Bridges Installed by Pak Army with RCC Pre Stressed Bridges in Merged Areas Sub Head: PC-II for Feasibility &
detail design for Feasibility study, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Socio Economic analysis, Planning, Detailed Design, Preparation of
PC-I, Tender & Contract Documents for Improvement and Rehabilitation of 112 KM Roads in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province under Grant in AID
Government of Japan.
26.   Const: road Kacha a)Planr Basi Khel b)Seri Kandao-Gigiani Basi Khel,c)Mori Basi Khel,d)Shatal-Karizan Saidan,e)Pakbund-Mori Nusrat
Khel,f)Cherah Basi Khel,g)Mera Mada Khel-Qabristan,h)Guizer paty-TT Madakhel,i)Shahbat Madrasa,Mera Mada Khel,Torghar.
27.   F/S and Design of Projects of Various Roads. Appointment of consultant for: Feasibility study and Designing of PKHA works: F/S Design
and construction of 2 No. Flyovers on Mingora Kanju Road SH:Â Mingora Bypass and Kanju Chowk, District Swat ADP 1718/160630 (2020-21). SH:
Construction of at Grada Intersection at Kanju Chowk and Widening/Improvement of connecting roads.
28.   Construction of Roads & Bridges on need Basis
29.   Construction of Technically & Economically Feasible 35 KMs Roads in D.I.Khan Division.
30.   Rehabilitation of Flood Damages Rural Roads under Counter Value Fund (CVF Japan Assisted)
31.   140072-Construction of Shingle Roads of different lengths in District South Waziristan (20 Kms). (Umbrella) [MA]
32.   140061-Construction of Link Road to Lower & Upper Kanigurram Baba Sar to Salarogha (4.5 Kms) and Construction of 5 Kms BT Road (Bazai
to Tangi Budinzai up to Larima with Link Road to Ladha Pet Welai Road 5 Kms) in SWA. (Umbrella) [MA]
33.   Construction of 10 Km Road in, District Swabi.
Approved schemes of Transport sector were:
34.   F/S for Construction and Establishment of Two Trucking Terminals in Merged Areas (AIP)
35.   F/S for Construction & Establishment of a Bus Terminal in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Own Sources)
36.   Construction & Establishment of Transport Complex at GT Road Peshawar (Own Sources)
Approved scheme of Urban Development sector was:
37.   Establishment of Bachat Bazar at Detour Road, Ring Road Hayatabad, Peshawar.
Approved schemes of Sports & Tourism sector were:
38.   Development of Camping Pods Sites and Rest Houses in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
39.   Repair/Rehabilitation and Provision of Equipment to Sports Facilities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.