Category: Publications
Integrated Development Strategy 2014-18
The provincial government is committed to implementing a pro-poor, pro-people reform agenda to respond to the grievances of the public about the inadequacy of social services, an under-performing judicial system, an ineffective law and order regime and pervasive misgovernance. KP has suffered from a number of external and internal shocks – an influx of around 3 million Afghan refugees, militancy from within, and natural disasters – for over a decade. Electricity shortfalls have dealt a serious blow to the productivity of every sector of the economy.
Comprehensive Development Strategy 2010-2017
Ensuring the success of its reform initiatives,the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has decided to institute a robust implementation mechanism, and has adopted a holistic,comprehensive and systematic institutional structure and process to develop and implement the reform initiatives.The present government has successfully sown the seeds for change.Not only has it succeeded in reaching out getting down to the grass-roots level,but it has also shown an improved financial performance as compared to the previous year.The departments have performed in a professional manner to attain the objectives set before them. Monitoring of the activities has added to the positive performance.Planning & Development Department is responsible for holding Quarterly/Annual reviews to monitor the physical and financial progress of the schemes. Cultural heritage,in its various manifestations, has been the focus of the provincial government where it will successfully preserve the invaluable assets of the province. The Environment is yet another area which has been under the constant focus of the provincial government. The present government is trying its level best to organize media cell for dissemination of information, acting like a bridge between KP Government and stakeholders on the one hand and public on the other, to reflect the undertaken efforts of the provincial government. This website aims to provide an effective platform to keep all the concerned updated.
Strategic Development Partnership 2 October 2013
This Strategic Development Partnership Framework (SDPF) acknowledges Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s growing economic and development challenges, rising geopolitical status while simultaneously building on the Province’s comparative advantages. This SDPF reflects a total recasting of the donor-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa relationship from a traditional donor-recipient relationship to a peer-to-peer partnership to address regional and provincial development challenges, with a clear focus on poverty reduction and inclusive growth, achieved through rapid industrialization; building capacities; encouraging entrepreneurship; better access to more competitive markets; sustained service delivery; improved public private dialogue; security; and an accountable and fair governance structure.
KPK Economic Growth Strategy 2015-18
The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is progressing on its agenda for change by perusing a citizen-centric model for socio economic development, and focusing on reducing poverty and achievement of peace and tranquillity, through an integrated and holistic approach to development enshrined in the Integrated Development Strategy-214-18(IDS).The IDS spells out the broader counters of policy guidelines and strategic direction for growth led development. However, in order to have a detailed research-based and focused road map the Government of KP has developed an Economic Growth Strategy titled as “Reclaiming Prosperity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A Medium Term Inclusive Growth Strategy” which is based on detailed research and viable economic models supported by a very robust data.
Planning and Development Guidelines for Local Government 2015
The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) has approved and notified the Local Government Planning and Development (P&D) Guidelines (2015) for the devolved tiers in the districts in line with the Local Government Act (LGA) 2013. These guidelines are mandatory in nature, as they identify structures, spell out processes and procedures and determine the approving for a for various functions required for planning and implementation of development projects at the district level. These guidelines shall be read in conjunction with the Rules of Business (RoBs) and the Local Government Budget and Accounting Rules.
KP Coping Strategy against COVID-19
The act of social distancing and steps taken to ensure its success requires minimizing the short-term economic impact on the active labour force. In addition to mitigating the adverse effects, sustaining vital economic operations is also a necessity to ensure success of lockdowns and
restrictions. Otherwise, incentives to break through will increase. The mitigation strategy is an immediate response based on early assessment. It will be further developed and calibrated to mitigate the economic effects and minimize adverse effects on people’s wellbeing.
VEOM: Public Private Partnership Model in KP 13th Sep 2020
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) as a region, has one of the fastest population growth rates in the world estimated at around 3.6% per year. With fast growing population comes increased demand for infrastructure – more schools, hospitals, roads, transport networks, housing, facilities for enterprises etc. However, a resource constrained government struggles to raise enough capital from public finances to fund the expansion of the infrastructure.
Progress Report: One Year of Accelerated Implementation Programme (AIP 2019-20)
The Tribal Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) are among the backward areas of the country in terms of socio-economic indicators. The key reasons for this development lag have been ascribed to the resources and capacity constraints, scarce economic opportunities, socio-cultural barriers and fragile security situations, particularly over the last two decades. The per-capita expenditure in erstwhile FATA has been very low as compared to other parts of the country.
Comprehensive Food Security & Livelihood Assessment (CFSLA) for Merged Districts and Tribal Sub-Divisions KP 2019-20
The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa extends its gratitude to the United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) Pakistan for initiating the Comprehensive Food Security & Livelihood Assessment (CFSLA) process in the Newly Merged Districts and Tribal Sub-Divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and for extending technical and financial assistance. The CFSLA is the result of ceaseless efforts of individuals and organizations. This publication is the outcome of relentless efforts and collaboration between the Planning & Development Department through its Bureau of Statistics (BoS) Merged Areas, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) Pakistan.